Descendants of Armenian Genocide Survivors

For over three decades Chhange has had a close working relationship with members of the local Armenian Community. With the assistance of members of this community, Chhange holds an Annual Armenian Genocide Remembrance, and continues to serve as a voice against the denial of the Armenian Genocide.
In 2015, Chhange opened the exhibit A Journey to Life: Armenia to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Armenia Genocide. At that time, Chhange also published Hundred-Year Legacy of Courage: Celebrating the Lives of Armenian Genocide Survivors in Our Community. This book features the personal histories of 54 Armenian Genocide Survivors as told by their descendants. Both the exhibit and the book illustrate the supportive work of members of the Armenian Community and their commitment to Chhange.
Some of the personal histories in this book can be found here (link).
Chhange educates, inspires, and empowers individuals to stand up to injustice.