Siegler-Needle Teaching Fellowship - Deadline Extended!
Call for BCC Proposals 2024-2025
May 22, 2024

2023-2024 Fellow Elana Maloney's students visit Chhange's Journeys Beyond Genocide: The Human Experience Exhibit.
Professors Seymour Siegler and Jack Needle Teaching Fellowship
Chhange (Center for Holocaust, Human Rights & Genocide Education) at Brookdale Community College welcomes proposals from faculty for the 2024-2025 Professors Seymour Siegler and Jack Needle Teaching Fellowship. Up to two (2) competitive fellowships will be awarded to Brookdale Community College faculty who integrate Chhange’s exhibit, library, and/or archives into an existing or new course of record. This fellowship includes a $750.00 stipend award, an orientation workshop, assistance from Chhange professional staff, and participation in a conference/workshop for educators. The fellowship is open to both full-time and adjunct faculty. Deadline for submissions is June 30, 2024. Chhange encourages proposals from all disciplines across the college.
Brookdale Community College Professors Sy Siegler, Ph.D. (z”l) and Jack Needle (z”l) founded Chhange in 1979. Chhange’s mission and work are grounded in developing innovative Holocaust, genocide, and human rights education to promote the elimination of racism, antisemitism, and all forms of prejudice.
Each year, Chhange hosts at least 35 programs that reach up to 45,000 students, educators, and community members. Chhange is home to the permanent exhibit Journeys Beyond Genocide: The Human Experience, featuring three instances of genocide: the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, and the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Chhange also houses the only physical Holocaust/genocide archives in the State of New Jersey and a 6,000-volume library incorporated into the BCC library system.
Meetings and selection of resources will take place during Fall 2024 for implementation in Spring/Fall 2025. Selected applicants will be awarded a $750.00 grant upon completion of the terms of the fellowship, including:
● Submission of a proposal (1 page) that describes the course and/or syllabus and includes how Chhange content may be integrated;
● Completion of an orientation to Chhange;
● Monthly consultations with Chhange professional staff to develop course design and content;
● Participation in either the Annual Council of Holocaust Educators (CHE) Conference or the Annual Educators’ Art Workshop or both, hosted by Chhange at Brookdale;
● Post-course debrief with Chhange professional staff.
For more information, please call (732)-224-1889. To submit a proposal application, please send a one-page proposal (500-750 words) and current resume/CV with the subject line “Siegler-Needle Teaching Fellowship” by June 30, 2024 to