Howard Dorman, CPA
Howard Dorman is President of the Board of Directors for Chhange. He became active in the organization to keep his parents' story alive. Both Dorman's mother and father survived the Holocaust after several years in the ghetto, then various slave labor and concentration camps. Most, if not all, of their respective families were murdered during the war.
Dorman holds a B.S. from Fairleigh Dickinson University and was a partner at Mazars LLP, the U.S. Member Firm of the Mazars Group, a Global Accounting, Tax and Consultancy Firm for more than 35 years. While there, Dorman participated in a global initiative on Human Rights Consulting for companies providing insights into the risk associated within their global supply chains. He worked closely with, and Mazars LLP, while they authored the Reporting Framework for companies to report their human rights activities in alignment with the United Nations Guiding Principals.
Dorman has held board positions with various civic and business associations and groups. He is a member of the New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.